A pop-up is a window that suddenly appears (pops up) when you select an option with a mouse or press a special function key. Usually, the pop-up window contains a menu of commands and stays on the screen only until you select one of the commands. It then disappears. Some of these pop-ups are disruptive advertisements however some are helpful and provide important information. Please follow the instructions below to enable/disable the pop-up blocker in your web browser as needed.
Click “Chrome” in the upper left corner of your screen and select “Preferences...” from the menu.
A new page will load. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Show advanced settings…”. This will reveal more settings at the bottom of the page.
Scroll down to the section labeled “Privacy” and click the button labeled “Content Settings…”.
A new window will appear in the center of the screen. Scroll down to the section labeled “pop-ups”. To allow pop-ups, put a check in the box next to “Allow all sites to show pop-ups”. To disable or block pop-ups, put a check in the box next to “Do not allow any site to show pop-ups”.