- The Favorites/Recent Programs section displays links to screens marked as Favorites.
- To navigate to a favorite program, click the program name in the Favorites list in the Favorites/Recent Programs section.
- To add a program to the Favorites list, navigate to that screen or program in Focus. Click the star icon next to the name of program at the top-left of the screen and click + Add (name of program) to Favorites.
- You can also navigate to Favorites by clicking the star icon at the top-left of the screen and click the program name in the list.
- A program can be removed from the Favorites list in the Favorites/Recent Programs block by clicking the delete button (red minus sign) next to the program name.
- Alternatively, you can also remove favorites by clicking the star icon at the top-left of the screen and clicking the delete button (red minus sign) next to the program name.
- Recommended links display as suggestions for favorite links when you have less than three favorites marked.