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Home > Policies & Procedures > Technology Equipment for Staff
Technology Equipment for Staff
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This article is an excerpt from Board Policy 815 - Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers and Network Resources. The full policy can be read by clicking here.


The district provides students, staff and other authorized individuals with access to the district’s devices, electronic communication systems and network, which includes Internet access, whether wired or wireless, or by any other means. Equipment distribution for staff is determined by the employee classification group. Not all positions are eligible to receive district-owned technology. Staff members that change roles within the district are subject to re-evaluation of technology equipment needs based on their employee classification group.


All files, documents, and data are owned by the district. All files must be stored in district approved file services, district file servers, district applications and district devices. Files, documents, and data are not permitted to be stored on any non-district device or service that is not approved and managed by the district. Any file or document that needs to be shared with other staff members, students, or someone from the public must use the district’s email and file storage systems and have the proper permissions and share with only the recipient or recipients.


On or before the last official day of employment (resignation, retirement, or termination) all technology equipment must be returned to the School District. All administrative duties must be completed before the last day of employee responsibilities, including grades and the transfer of materials as part of a transition to another staff member. All district accounts, including email, will be suspended at the end of the workday on the last day worked. All data, emails, and documents are property of the Upper St. Clair School District. No data is allowed to be forwarded or transferred to a non-School District account.



  • All equipment must be returned on or before the last day worked.


Medical leaves & other leaves of absence

  • Leaves less than 4 weeks, the employee may keep technology equipment unless the leave extends beyond the 4 weeks.
  • Leaves 4 or more weeks, the employee must return the equipment on or before the last day worked.



  • All equipment must be returned on or before the last day worked. Depending on the type of sabbatical, the supervisor may approve that the employee retains the equipment and the availability of equipment for substitutes is verified by the Director of Technology (or designee).


Maternity leaves

  • All equipment must be returned on or before the last day worked. The supervisor may approve that the employee retains the equipment and the availability of equipment for substitutes is verified by the Director of Technology (or designee).


Exceptions: Administrators, Curriculum Leaders, Central Office Staff, or Support Staff remaining in an advisory capacity during any leaves of absence may keep assigned technology equipment.


Equipment is subject to recall at any time by authorized school personnel.

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