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Home > Phones > Emergency Calling
Emergency Calling
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As per the FCC, 911 calls must go to county-based PSAP (Public Safety Answering Points). 911 calls must be routed directly to 911 (and not to the local township or borough). Allegheny County is responsible for providing 911 service in its jurisdiction.  


Section 506 of the RAY BAUM’S Act, the Commission adopted rules to ensure that “dispatchable location” information, such as the street address, floor level, and room number of a 911 caller, is conveyed with 911 calls so that first responders can more quickly locate the caller. USCSD satisfies this requirement using our phone system Avaya Cloud Office. Avaya Cloud Office sends a text message and an email that provides the building, room number, and location of the 911 call. 


USCSD Alerting


1.  Text Message/Email Notification.  When someone dials 911, call notifications will be sent to key building and district personnel via email and a text message to their cell phone. 911 Alerts from Avaya Cloud Office come from 855-432-9911


2.   Elevators and Evacuation Systems notification.  Elevators and Evacuation Systems must meet the Pennsylvania 24/7 monitoring requirement; if someone activates the elevator phone or pushes the button on an evacuation system, someone must answer the call 24/7.  We meet this requirement by sending those calls directly to 412-833-7500 (USC Township Dispatch). No notifications will be sent when calls are made from the elevators or evacuation systems.


Elevator Extensions:


Fire Alarms


  • Fire Alarms notify the USC Township Police via dedicated phone lines not connected to our phone system (as per fire code).  No notifications are sent when the Fire Alarms call the USC Township Police (these phone lines are NOT connected to our phone system).  Phone lines that are designated for fire alarms:


Phone Lines & Emergency Calling 


  • Every phone extension in Avaya Cloud Office is assigned a dedicated 10-digit phone number unique to the phone. This phone number is usually hidden from the end user but is used when 911 is call is placed. Every phone extension is mapped to an emergency response location, which includes the floor, room number, and closest door to the emergency location. This information is delivered to the 911 call center automatically.
  • Phone calls to placed directly to USC Dispatch (412-833-7500) will only show the District's main phone number, 412-833-1600, and will not include dispatchable locations.
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