If you have not registered for PAETEP, please click on the link below:
SLO Process
1: Teacher creates a new SLO and selects the appropriate supervisor
Teachers who have a three-year rolling average and receive a teacher-specific score should complete one SLO. All other teachers should complete two SLOs. SLOs are not applicable to school counselors, school psychologists, and nurses. Long Term Substitutes who are here the entire school year should complete two SLOs.
2: Teacher completes the SLO (five sections)
Section 1 – Classroom Context
Section 2 – Goal
Section 3 – Performance Measures
Section 4 – Performance Indicators
Section 5 – Teacher Expectations
3. Group or individual SLO conferences will be held in October with your supervisor.
Discussion Questions for SLO Conference:
1. How much growth is “good enough?”
2. Are the Performance Indicators realistic and/or challenging?
3. Does your Performance Indicator relate back to the corresponding Performance Measure? (PM #1 = PI #1)
4. Can I retest?
- Sample USC Elementary SLOs
- August 2017 Presentation - Act 82 & SLOs
- Slide Show of the SLO process in PAETEP
- Examples of SLOs on PDE's SAS portal
- PA Core Standards
Entering your SLO
1. Go to the Staff Links page: https://webinfo.uscsd.k12.pa.us/stafflinks/
and find the PAETEP link and click on it.
2. Click "Login" at the top right of the screen and enter your username and password. Your username is your email address and the password is what you created during the registration step. If you forgot your password, click "Reset Password".
Note: If you have not registered for PAETEP, please click on the link below:
3. Click on "MY OBSERVATIONS" on the top right of the screen (above where you clicked to login).
4. On the SLO / Student Performance Measure / IEP Progress section, Click on "Create New"
5. Click on the Performance Measure Type and choose Student Learning Objective (SLO only for the 2021-22 School Year)
6. Select your Supervisor from the drop-down menu and then click on "Create"
7. In the SLO / Student Performance Measure / IEP Progress section, you will see a new SLO. Under the Actions column, click on "View".
8. Complete Section 1: Classroom Context. If you move your mouse over the "?" or Ex next to each item you will see explanations and examples of what information to enter.
You can click on "Save" at the bottom of the screen at any time during the process to ensure your information is updated. Also, in each section, you can add any necessary attachments to support your SLO by clicking on the top of the screen - "Attach File" (every section has the ability to attach files). In this section, you should upload the roster of students for this SLO (you can upload this at any time before you click on the final step "Submit to Supervisor"). When you have completed Section 1: Classroom Context, click "Continue" at the bottom of the screen.
Note: The number of students included in this section is at the teacher’s discretion. However, it is recommended that the student population in this section represent a diverse population of students. A minimum of one section of students is suggested for classroom teachers. Due to unique caseloads, however, less than one section of students is permitted if discussed and approved at the SLO conference.
9. Complete Section 2: Goal. Please note: If you have more than one SLO, please specify which one is weighted 15% and which one is weighted 20% in your Goal Statement.
You can click on "Save" at the bottom of the screen at any time during the process to ensure your information is updated. Also, in each section, you can add any necessary attachments to support your SLO by click on the top of the screen - "Attach File" (every section has the ability to attach files). Please make sure you complete 2a, 2b, and 2c. When you have completed Section 2: Goal, click "Continue" at the bottom of the screen.
Questions to Consider:
1. Does your goal statement adequately represent a key learning of your course?
2. Will this goal provide students with knowledge and skills that will be of value beyond a single test date?
3. Are your targeted standards actually aligned to your goal?
10. Complete Section 3: Performance Measures. Click on "Add Performance Measure".
Enter the required information and click on "Save Performance Measure" for each one. Performance Measures (aka assessments), can include all types of summative assessments including traditional tests, projects, and simulations. It is recommended to use one Performance Measure for each SLO. You must include a growth measure in your SLO.
Please make sure you use the "Attach File" to upload your pre and post-evidence (any assessments that are used as part of this SLO). When you have completed Section 3: Performance Measures, click "Continue" at the bottom of the screen.
Questions to Consider:
1. Does your Performance Measure align with the targeted standards and the goal statement?
2. Does the progression of your Performance Measures represent increasing cognitive demands on the students, i.e. DOK levels?
3. Have you considered other ways that student learning could be measured besides the objective tests you have listed? (projects, simulations, experiments, performance tasks, etc.)
11. Complete Section 4: Performance Indicators (A Performance Indicator is a description of the expected level of achievement for each student in the SLO population). At least one Performance Indicator is needed for each Performance Measure in order to successfully submit the SLO. Note: If you have one Performance Measure and one Performance Indicator (which is recommended), then the weighted value would be 100% in Section 4d.
Click on "Add Performance Indicator" to Enter the required information and click on "Save Performance Indicator" for each one. When you have completed Section 4: Performance Indicators click "Continue" at the bottom of the screen.
12. On Section 5: Teacher Expectations, please do not change the default values. Click "Continue."
13. You will see all sections of your SLO. If you are still working on your SLO, click "Save" at the bottom of the screen. If your SLO is completed and you have attached all the necessary documentation, Click on "Submit to Supervisor". Once you click on "Submit to Supervisor", you will not be able to edit or make changes to your SLO until your Principal reviews it. You may click "Print" to have a paper copy of your SLO.
If you do not receive a confirmation when you click on "Submit to Supervisor", there is information missing in your SLO. Scroll to the top of the screen to see the explanation of what information is missing. Then, as you scroll through the SLO, you will see a red asterisk next to the missing information. See the example below: