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Home > Software & Services > Focus > Attendance Communication for Parkway Students
Attendance Communication for Parkway Students
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The following steps should be utilized when needing to make automated attendance phone calls for our high school Parkway students.




1.  Go to Students>Communication.




2. Click on Compose in the left hand column, then click on "use a template" in the body of the Communication message.




3. A Pop-up window will appear with all of the template options available.  Choose Parkway Attendance. 





4. The body of the message will change to reflect the template.






5. Next, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the Primary Contacts and Student drop down menus, as shown below. This will take you to the Student Search page.




6. From the Student Search, select the Student Group Parkway Students 9-12. You can find this group either by typing it into the filter or by scrolling through the different student groups that are available to you.




7. After finding your Parkway student group, click on More Search Options to add your Attendance Criteria. Select Absences, then choose Period Attendance. 





8.  Now you have the ability to drill down and pick which period(s) you want to base your phone call on, the Absence Codes, and the Timeframe.  Click Search when finished. 





9.  This will return a list of students that meet the criteria.  You can select all students or hand pick certain students by checking the box to the left of their school photo.  Click the blue Done button in the upper right hand corner when you are finished. This will return you to the Communication screen.  Click Send to make the phone calls.



























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